Consultation Services

Consultation Services

The foundation is committed to helping churches develop a culture of generosity and faithful stewardship.

We do this, in part, by providing consulting and educational services on a variety of financial planning and stewardship practices. The goal is to help individuals and congregations transform their understanding of faith and money so they can do the most good with their financial resources in their ministries and daily living.


We adhere to the philosophy that we are stronger together. Our consulting services provide churches with successful fundraising, giving and investment programs.

Education And


We provide training and education on best practices that nurture faithful stewardship and promote healthy financial planning. That includes programs on emerging stewardship and giving trends, financial campaign strategies, and workshops on retirement planning and asset management that help clergy and laity make the most of a lifetime of giving and serving.

Some of our ongoing opportunities include:

Spirit Leaf

R-10 and Counting: This annual workshop is a comprehensive preretirement planning seminar for clergy retiring within 10 years. It covers a range of topics critical to retirement planning, such as investments, clergy taxes, pension and benefits, Social Security, health insurance, housing issues, and estate planning.

Spirit Leaf

Clergy Retirement Workshop: Held each spring, this one-day session is for clergy retiring that calendar year. Presenters review the various pension election options available to retirees and the retirement forms that must be completed. Other topics addressed are health insurance and investment planning.

Spirit Leaf

Faithful Expressions Workshop: This workshop helps individuals consider the many ways they can ensure the gifts God has given them will continue supporting those they love and the ministries they value long into the future. It explores the practical, legal and spiritual steps that can be taken as part of a lifetime of intentional Christian stewardship. Participants also receive a planning guide to help them make decisions about end-of-life issues. Contact Ginny Garske at or 863-904-2970, ext. 7101, for more information.

Fresh Start

Debt Consolidation Program For Clergy

Fresh Start is a cooperative effort between the foundation, the Florida Conference and other partners. It offers low-interest loans to clergy to help them consolidate certain types of debt so they can achieve financial wholeness.

Elders, deacons and local pastors who serve full-time within the Florida Conference are eligible to apply for loans of up to $50,000, freeing up significant resources to help them become financially healthy. Participants also learn to manage risk and adopt sound financial habits, enabling them to provide for themselves and their family members now and in the future.

Since the program’s inception in 2019, more than $325,000 in startup funds from the foundation and Wespath Benefits and Investments has been loaned to conference pastors.

Clergy looking for financial guidance can access financial planning services through EY (Ernst & Young) Financial Planning as part of Wespath Benefits and Investmentsthe denomination’s pension and benefits program. 

Our trained staff partners with churches in the development and implementation of professionally managed church endowments, annuities and trusts. Contact Andy Craske, the foundation’s vice president of loans and investments, at or 863-904-2970, ext. 7104, for more information.

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